ULTRA-SHEAR® Spiral Upcut Dovetail Bits

8 Degree Spiral Dovetail 3.png
8 Degree Spiral Dovetail 2.png
10 Degree Spiral Dovetail 3.png
10 Degree Spiral Dovetail 2.png
8 Degree Spiral Dovetail 3.png
8 Degree Spiral Dovetail 2.png
10 Degree Spiral Dovetail 3.png
10 Degree Spiral Dovetail 2.png

ULTRA-SHEAR® Spiral Upcut Dovetail Bits

Sale Price:$37.00 Original Price:$45.00

Cutting dovetails with the PantoRouter® is super fast and easy, but old-fashioned carbide-tipped, straight blade dovetail bits are less than ideal, especially in hardwood.

Our solid carbide spiral upcut dovetail bits made for us by Ultra-Shear® make dovetails even faster, more accurate and much, much quieter. The spiral design dramatically reduces vibration and burning, and significantly increases life expectancy of the bit. Cutting into end grain for half-blind dovetails is finally achievable using these game-changing new bits!

We offer both 8° and 10° Spiral Upcut bits. The 8° bit is used to make through dovetails using our Variably-Spaced Dovetail Template set that comes with each PantoRouter® and is also sold separately.

The 10° bit is used with our new set of Variably-Spaced, 10° Through Dovetail Templates and can also be used with our Half-Blind Dovetail templates and jig. (Half-Blind Templates and Jig available March 14, 2025)

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Bit Specifications

8º Spiral Dovetail Bit: SOLID CARBIDE SPIRAL UP-CUT DOVETAIL ROUTER BIT 1/2" SH, 1/2" DIA, 8 DEG, 9/16" CL

10º Spiral Dovetail Bit: SOLID CARBIDE SPIRAL UP-CUT DOVETAIL ROUTER BIT 1/2" SH, 1/2" DIA, 10 DEG, 9/16" CL