Pair of Bunk Beds

Submitted by: Erika T.

Project Description:

Pair of bunk beds

Tell us how you used the PantoRouter in this project:

I used it for all of the joinery in this project. The through mortises of the posts and the tenons that go through. I used it to make the slots for the wedges that pull all that joinery together tight. I used it to make the mortise and tenon for the ladder holder as well as the dovetail that makes up that component. I used it for all the joinery of the ladder as well. I used it to make the dowels out of bloodwood, which are the details going up at the top of the posts. I used it for making the middle support of the lower bunk (full-size bed) with wedged through m&t. Also, all of the joinery for the trees that were inserted into the posts was with the PantoRouter. It’s a fantastic machine and definitely made things faster and always the correct size.