Submitted by: T. Reed

Project Description:
Set of Chairs
Tell us how you used the PantoRouter in this project:
The chairs in the pictures are the second edition of my chair design. I started with a prototype design based upon slip tenon joinery using Festool dominos, which I tested in my house for around two years. However, once I bought the Pantorouter, I knew the slip tenon joints could be upgraded to true mortise and tenon joints. I used the Festool Domino to cut all the mortises and the Pantorouter to cut the tenons to standard domino sizes. This was more for efficiency and ease since there were a few spots where using the Pantorouter would have required extra jigs to cut the mortises. Every joint was cut in this manner, except for the headrest. The headrest was done by creating a custom set of jigs to mate the back legs and the headrest and create a curved, sliding, stopped dovetail joint. It was probably overkill to do the dovetailed headrest, but I'll never have to worry about the joints failing in the future.